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2014, albums of the year, Best of, end of year, Essex, list, playlist, South, Southend, Spotify -

When it comes to opinions and tastes, lists are pretty stupid, one mans ceiling is another's floor and all that.  But in music, despite being the opposite of what (I'd hope) most people make music for, lists get churned out on a daily basis ("10 Best Hats Worn By Left Handed People In Bands" etc).  Everybody can get overwhelmed by all the new stuff that's out there, so with unerring uniformity record shops (and magazines, blogs, gobby people etc) will always do an end of year list.  Some would list their best sellers of the year, most however pick the records they...

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in store, playlists, South, Southend, Spotify, Twitter -

Everyday we put together a playlist on Spotify which we then post on Twitter, so you know what we're listening to when you're here browsing. We posted links here to most of them before, but because that takes forever to do here's our Spotify profile, where you can find them all, alongside some older playlists - Afrika Bambaataa's Roxy Top 100, el Guincho's album inspirations, some Motown non-hits etc  So, if you're keen, here it is - South on Spotify

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Essex, In-store, Playlists, Record Shop, South, Southend, Spotify -

Every day we play loads of different kinds of music, and quite often people can't be bothered to ask what it is so to make things a little easier we publish a playlist every morning on our Twitter of what we had on in-store the previous day.  Obviously not everything is on Spotify, but it's pretty close more often than not We'll be collating them here each month too, so you can see how often I've played Alex Chilton's 'Like Flies On Sherbert' So, here's March's playlists, get stuck in 18th March 19th March 20th March 21st March 22nd March...

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