February Mix

February Mix

There's loads of great stuff out recently so we've got a few tracks in here; there's the Kankyo Ongaku boxset on Light In The Attic - a great boxset of Japanese ambient and environmental music - Kate NV's brilliant album, Michele Mecure's reissue on RVNG Intl, and we've revisited some old favourites - Kosmischer Laufer, Baffo Banfi, Mort Garson (currently subject of a ridiculous documentary idea) and Roedelius.

We're also compiling all the mixes (what's available anyway) on our Spotify

1 Ode To An African Violet - Mort Garson

2 дуб OAK - Kate NV

3 Alphaville - Motohiko Hamase

4 Steady State - Rimarimba

5 Das Neue Japanische Elektronische Volkslied - Ryuichi Sakamoto

6 Jenseits Des Horizons - Kosmisher Laufer

7 Dreamplay 2 - Michele Mercure

8 Vino, Donne E Una Tastiera - Baffo Banfi

9 Veilchenwurzeln - Roedelius


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