How It Goes Down

How It Goes Down

Record Store Day is fast approaching, only a few days to go now. With that in mind, and as a few people have been asking, we thought we should get all the info together about the day for those who haven't been before.
There's a few rules in place, from the organisers of RSD, which every shop has to adhere to, and they are:
  • First come, first served (no holding or reserving records is allowed)
  • 1 of each item per person (but as many different records as you like)
We'll be opening at 8am (closing at 6pm). The first 10 people in the queue will get their lists taken before we open and we'll get those bagged up ready. They need to be collected at the time, you cannot leave and pick up later in the day, it's against the RSD rules.
After that we'll be letting 10-15 people in at a time until the initial rush has died down, we're a small shop and can't fit too many in, and to make it more bearable for everybody this seems to be the best solution. 
DJs for the day:
Tom Burgess (Dark Globes), Greg Wells (Domino Records), Micky Denny, Leighton Jennings & Roy Thirlwall (MelodieGroup), Paul Cooper (Polyvinyl Craftsmen), Andrew Moore (Tumbledryer Babies), and Rocket Ship TV
Rocket Ship TV will be playing live, to launch their debut album, at 4pm
We'll be posting our stock list in the next few days.
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