
Albums Of The Year 2018

Albums Of The Year 2018

If there's one thing music nerds love more than anything, it's a good list. We're no different, and read every list we see - websites, shops, magazines, customers, the lot...

Albums Of The Year 2018

If there's one thing music nerds love more than anything, it's a good list. We're no different, and read every list we see - websites, shops, magazines, customers, the lot...

Albums Of The Year 2017

Albums Of The Year 2017

South Records' favourite albums of 2017

Albums Of The Year 2017

South Records' favourite albums of 2017

Albums Of The Year 2016

Albums Of The Year 2016

It's come around again, the time to insist you pay attention to our taste in music.  2016 has been both a great and terrible year for music - tons of...

Albums Of The Year 2016

It's come around again, the time to insist you pay attention to our taste in music.  2016 has been both a great and terrible year for music - tons of...

South Albums Of The Year 2015

2015, like every other year if you care to dig a little, has been a great year for new music.  We've been lucky enough to put a load of great...


South Albums Of The Year 2015

2015, like every other year if you care to dig a little, has been a great year for new music.  We've been lucky enough to put a load of great...


Albums of 2015 (so far)

We're half-way through 2015, so here's our albums of the year so far (in no particular order).  We haven't included any reissues in this list, we'll probably do a reissues...


Albums of 2015 (so far)

We're half-way through 2015, so here's our albums of the year so far (in no particular order).  We haven't included any reissues in this list, we'll probably do a reissues...


Albums of 2014

When it comes to opinions and tastes, lists are pretty stupid, one mans ceiling is another's floor and all that.  But in music, despite being the opposite of what (I'd...

Albums of 2014

When it comes to opinions and tastes, lists are pretty stupid, one mans ceiling is another's floor and all that.  But in music, despite being the opposite of what (I'd...