Originally released in 2018 as digital-only, this future-jazz LP from acclaimed Spanish producer Skygaze - aka Jaime Tellado - has long been doing the rounds among those with their ears to the ground.
Rooted in his recognition of the limitless potential to be found in electronic music production, Skygaze's 'Freedom' delivers a fusion of the modern-jazz aesthetic with sonics unapologetically borrowed from electronica, drum'n'bass, trap, glitch and footwork. The result is an album which, despite having been originally released around 3 years ago, is very much the sound of 'now'.
Rooted in his recognition of the limitless potential to be found in electronic music production, Skygaze's 'Freedom' delivers a fusion of the modern-jazz aesthetic with sonics unapologetically borrowed from electronica, drum'n'bass, trap, glitch and footwork. The result is an album which, despite having been originally released around 3 years ago, is very much the sound of 'now'.