Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - The Third

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Kitty, Daisy & Lewis return with their new album, three years on from their hugely acclaimed ‰Û÷Smoking In Heaven‰۪.

Described as ‰ÛÏa gift to those of us who still believe in magic‰۝ (The Observer), the band have used those three years wisely, building a new 16 track analogue studio in a derelict Indian restaurant in Camden Town, resulting in an album and a sound all of their own making. With new space and equipment, the band knew they could take their third album to another level, with the songwriting, instrumentation, styles, production and sound.

An early fan, Mick Jones of The Clash was keen to get involved as producer. He spent four months rehearsing in their home. ‰ÛÏWith Mick on board, it was the first time we have worked with a producer,‰۝ says Lewis. ‰ÛÏJust having someone else in the room meant we could start bouncing ideas off other people and that was great.‰۝

‰ÛÏOur song writing has definitely changed over the three years,‰۝ adds sister Kitty. ‰ÛÏThrough life experience and expanding our musical influences, we have now incorporated more of our musical loves into our music.‰۝

Kitty, Daisy & Lewis‰۪ ‰Û÷The Third‰۪ was recorded and finished in the summer of 2014, setting them apart by embracing a spread of influences from blues to disco but always sounding unmistakably Kitty Daisy & Lewis.

The stories in this album resonate with moods and melodies that touch you in ways that are both uplifting and unnerving. With three different writers and multi-instrumentalists in the band, each track is a sparkling gem that reflects a different facet of experience.

Joining Kitty, Daisy & Lewis live on stage during their forthcoming tour will be their mum, former Raincoats drummer Ingrid Weiss on bass, the original Bombay Bad Boy Daddy Grazz on rhythm guitar and Jamaican trumpet legend Eddie ‰Û÷Tan Tan‰۪ Thornton. At their packed shows they each take turns on vocals and jump from one instrument to another.

White vinyl LP format exclusively available to independent retailers.

All vinyl formats include bonus track ‰Û÷I Should Have Known‰۪.åÊ

All vinyl formats include a digital download code.